On translations (contact me if you'd like to translate Hydrangea)

Hi all, I’m being contacted about translations again. I still would love to work with others to translate Hydrangea to as many languages as possible.

(EDITED TO ADD: This is volunteer work. Hydrangea was a game jam project made by volunteers and we haven’t earned a cent from it, donations are off and the game will never be commercialized. I cannot pay translators, sadly.)

Unfortunately, I lack the free time to help with translations as closely as I used to. I’ve also been ghosted by translators many times before, which is always upsetting.

Hydrangea is a LONG game. Not only that, but you’ll also be challenged to work with the pronouns system, which means you need knowledge on neutral pronouns in your language and how to adapt lines so they work with all possible choices.

I now require that translators:

  • Have english fluency
  • Ability to work with text editors such as atom, visual studio code, or notepad++
  • Can translate and adapt lines and other game features that include the pronoun system, this includes neutral pronouns and how to make sure all lines make sense for all pronoun variations
  • Can communicate with me at least once every two weeks about how the translation is going, or to be able to let me know if they’re giving up on it
  • Are aware that translating 20 thousand words of text is a HUGE undertaking that will not be easy

If you meet the requirements above, email me: applepiegame(at)gmail(dot)com

I apologize if I sound a bit strict, but I’ve spent a lot of time and energy teaching others the basics of translating a Ren’py game, and unfortunately most of the time I get ghosted. The translations that do come out are a minority.

If you think that translating 20k words by yourself really isn’t something you can do, you could try finding other interested fans who also speak your language. In the past, I put in touch two translators who shared an interest in working on a game, and in the end they delivered a quality translation with much less individual workload. Perhaps leave a comment on the game’s page, and you might find someone to work with.

Thank you for supporting Hydrangea!

  • Meiri

Get Hydrangea

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