Small hotfix now out - Update on Steam release

I just released a small update for MyGF.

  • Changes the history screen to be separate from the menu, fixing the bugs that were created from that being the case.
  • Decreases the sound volume for the doorbell sound effect

This update reflects how the game will be released on Steam. I’ve sent in the game and store page to be reviewed by the platform, which should take 3-5 days. It was a painful process, and I ran into an issue with the trailer upload that I’m hoping Steam support can aid me with.

Moreover, I’ve not been able to get Another Episode to work as DLC and a separate game at the same time… so that’s a worry in my mind. If I can’t figure that out, then I’ll have to commisssion someone to help me fuse the two games into one just for Steam.

To answer a couple questions I imagine you might have: MyGF will always be free, even on Steam, and Another Episode will be $3.99. The regional pricing is also pretty nice, so I think Another Episode will be more accessible to folks on other countries!

Thanks for the support as always. Hopefully Steam will allow the game to be in its store this year!

  • Meiri

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