MYGF'S STEAM PAGE IS NOW LIVE!! Help me by Wishlisting it!!

I’m super, super excited to announce that Steam has approved MyGF’s release on their store and the page is NOW LIVE!!! Releasing on November 27th!!

Here, here, here!! CLICK ME!

This was only possible thanks to players like you who made MyGF a success here on itchio, your donations, and purchases of the Another Episode DLC here and on Ko-fi. I would not have been able to pay for the developer credit fee otherwise.

But it’s not over yet!! We need to make MyGF reach as many potential players as possible! Steam opens the game up to thousands and thousands of people from all over the world who have no idea this game is a thing!

Here is how YOU can help!

Share it with your friends! Tell your favorite let’s players and streamers you want to see them give MyGF a go! But most important of all,


Wishlists mean Steam’s algorithm will show the game to more of its users. The more wishlists a game gets before release, the more sucessful it will be. So please, tell everyone you know!

Thank you as always for your support. I’m anxious yet excited for November 27th!!

  • Meiri


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Oct 24, 2023

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What's it going to be like in the end? Will there be another Episode as a DLC, or will the game still be a paid game with a DLC thrown in?

MyGF will always be free. I’ll have to wait a few weeks for Steam to let me add Another Episode as purchasable, but it’ll be released as DLC for the same price as here on itchio.