On translations (contact me if you'd like to translate MyGF)

Hi all, I have some news on how I’ll approach working with translators for this game from now on. I still would love to work with others to translate MyGF to as many languages as possible.

Unfortunately, I lack the free time to help with translations as closely as I used to. I’ve also been ghosted by translators many times before, which is always upsetting.

In the past, I offered to translators that I could edit the images in the game myself. I can no longer do this. To translate MyGF, you now need to be able to edit images. It’s a lot of work that I sadly lack the free time and energy to do now. These images include the character profiles, the naming screens, the ending titles, and more.

I now require that translators:

  • Have english fluency
  • Ability to work with text editors such as atom, visual studio code, or notepad++
  • Ability to edit images and insert translated text into them
  • Can communicate with me at least once every two weeks about how the translation is going, or to be able to let me know if they’re giving up on it
  • Are aware that translating a game is a BIG undertaking that will not be easy

If you meet the requirements above, email me: applepiegame(at)gmail(dot)com

I apologize if I sound a bit strict, but I’ve spent a lot of time and energy teaching others the basics of translating a Ren’py game, and unfortunately most of the time I get ghosted. The translations that do come out are a minority.

If you think that translating by yourself really isn’t something you can do, you could try finding other interested fans who also speak your language. In the past, I put in touch two translators who shared an interest in working on a game, and in the end they delivered a quality translation with much less individual workload. Also, you could find someone who’s skilled with image editing to help you if you can’t do it.

Perhaps leave a comment on the game’s page, and you might find someone to work with.

Thank you for supporting MyGF!

  • Meiri


MyGF_Android.apk 321 MB
Jul 08, 2024
MyGF-2.5-mac.zip 233 MB
Version 2.5 Jul 08, 2024
MyGF-2.5-pc.zip 269 MB
Version 2.5 Jul 08, 2024

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