Update: Chinese translation (available here now, coming to Steam at a later date) + Help Rio Grande do Sul

Hi. MyGF now has a Chinese translation available, courtesy of Secretaryuki. Check it out on the latest update here on itch.io. Special thanks to Mary for helping edit some of the images.

For those who aren’t aware, my city is flooded and I had to evacuate my house and my family before the water got to us; we’re safe and far away now, thankfully. Still, it’s like a war zone out there. I’m stressed out, concerned, and unable to work on anything. To be honest, I thought I could distract myself if I focused on this update, but it’s impossible. It’s been a trying time.

That’s why the Steam update is coming at a later date. I’m sorry, I just can’t.

I’ll try to make something good out of this: As soon as I’m able to, I’ll playtest the translation as much as I can, and I’d appreciate if Chinese-speaking players here on itch.io could try out the translation to see if there are any issues so the Steam update goes well.

In Rio Grande do Sul, right now, thousands are displaced, lost their homes, got separated from family, and don’t have water to drink. Please check out this Twitter thread for information on what’s going on and how you can help: https://twitter.com/isatinie/status/1787172360606359708

Thank you for your support. I’m sorry I sound so down. I hope next time I update a game, I’ll be back home and my city and state will be recovering instead of in active danger.

  • Meiri


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