Update 1.9: The Portrait Update + Survey Results

Update 1.9 for MyGF is now available on all platforms.

Changelog 1.9:

  • All portraits for Ash, Mafuyu, Lion, and Rikka have been remade.
  • As of now, the other graphics still use the old art (due to a few issues with the Portuguese translation’s image files), but for update 2.0, everything will be remade from scratch.

I have update 2.0 on the works which will add new content, including new CGs, a new ending, more choices, and some very fun announcements.

To read more about it, scroll down and check out the survey results!

And now, for the survey results. We had 36 responses in total!

What did you name the player character?

Around 40% of players used the default name, while the rest used their own names, OC’s names, etc. Shout out to the person who used the name ‘Jesus’.

What did you name the girlfriend? And what did you name the best friend?

This time, the majority chose to keep the original names. My heart goes out to the poor souls who used their friend’s and girlfriend’s real names.

What pronouns did you choose for the Player Character?

61,8% of players picked ‘He/Him’, which is interesting since the game was originally going to have a female protagonist only!

How do you pronounce Lion’s name?

The majority chose Lion as in the animal. You are all so wrong. It’s ‘Lee-on’! Like, the one from that one visual novel?

Which of these was your most favorite thing about the game? Pick one.

The twists were really popular, followed by the characters, and then Lion’s existence.

** What were your expectations of how the game would go you when you first saw it? **

We all really want to know what is it that Ash’s into.

** What was your favorite ending? **

The True Ending was the ultimate favorite, followed by the Lion POV ending, the original ending, and the second ending.

** If Mafuyu were to go through a redemption arc, would you forgive her? **

I was not surprised that the overall consensus was almost 50/50 on forgiving her or not. Mafuyu is quite a mysterious character, isn’t she?

…Also my writing sucks apparently. Very helpful, buddy.

If you could make your ideal ending for the game, how would it go?

This one had so many fun answers.

…You guys are pretty creative, heh?

If you could add three things to MyGF, it would be…

I’m super excited to announce that update 2.0 will touch on most of the topics above!

More choices. More endings. More CGs. More content for all characters.

Expect more news soon!

  • Meiri.

Contact me: @meimcmei

My ko-fi: here


MyGF-2.5-pc.zip 269 MB
Version 1.8 Jun 24, 2022
MyGF-2.5-mac.zip 233 MB
Version 1.8 Jun 24, 2022
mygf_android.apk 192 MB
Jun 24, 2022

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